It’s Monday October 23rd 2017, Chest and Triceps Day.

Today is Chest and Triceps day. We warmed up the Chest with 4 sets of 8-10 reps on

1) Flat Bench Dumbell Press

2) Incline Bench Dumbell Press

3) Hammer Strength Bench Press

4) Flat Bench Press

5) Decline Bench Press

6) Earthquake Bench Press

7) Resistance Band Push ups

8) Cable Crossover Machine Pec Flys

9) Svend Press

10) Single Arm Pec Machine Flys

We then worked the Triceps with 4 sets of 8-10 reps on

1) Cable Machine Tricep Extensions

2) Cable Machine Tricep Kickbacks

3) Barbell Skull Crushers

4) Reverse Grip Bench Press

5) Cable Machine Tricep Curls